Writing a character who becomes severely malnourished/dehydrated/sleep-deprived?

faintlyradiantish: shakespork: Here’s what you’ll need to know! Learn all about the wonders of the human body and add scientifically-accurate drama to your stories. MALNOURISHMENT DEATH: average… Read more “Writing a character who becomes severely malnourished/dehydrated/sleep-deprived?”

whatacartouchebag: calypsospirit: dustandeloquence: skinned-skeletons: theraphos: thegoodfoothousehold: the-militant-catholic: hidrihime: liache: ok kids repeat after me vinegar and bleach makes chlorine gas, which is highly toxic ammonia and bleach makes… Read more





oh this is a life saver

So these are both “Aw Fuck I’m outta real food” meals BUT ALSO:  if you’re learning how to cook, these are great “baby steps” meals to learn how to cook basics into something enjoyable without “wasting” anything expensive.  Though I maintain that even cooking screw-ups are valuable in terms of lessons learned.

Also they’re great for when you get absorbed in something and you realize your blood sugar is dropping and you need to make something Quick.

I don’t think of myself as a cook at all, but I looked through this list and was like “if you have [center] and [any item on a surrounding ring] how do you sit there thinking you’ve got nothing to eat?” Like, I buy a fair amount of staples knowing that I’ll be able to quickly assemble them into something tasty if I’m hungry and don’t have anything instant (or in a leftovers container because I made it earlier in the week specifically to eat for a week): butter, cheese, noodles, and more.

It still impresses people how I can go into random kitchens with no food in them and emerge with Filling Snacks for Five People. This is the secret: knowing how to assemble Cupboard Meals. And these charts are incredibly well-laid-out too!

captain-planet-official: It is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere! Even more good news is that the bee population has actually been climbing back up and they have been… Read more

chaotic-cri-art: ☆{•——» [ COMMISSION INFO ] «——•}☆ This is my commission info! Backgrounds Backgrounds for just single characters will be a box of solid colour. (Free) But… Read more

supernatural-sanders: southern–downpour: COMMISSIONS!! + background is 15$ Additional characters are 10$ each revamped my commission’s stuff because I hated how I set it up on DA. also… Read more