








ok kids repeat after me

vinegar and bleach makes chlorine gas, which is highly toxic

ammonia and bleach makes chloramine, which is highly toxic

rubbing alcohol and bleach makes chloroform, which is highly toxic

hydrogen peroxide and vinegar makes peracetic/peroxyacetic acid, which can be highly corrosive

be careful about your cleaning products and dont get yourself injured or potentially killed ok

why it so dangerous to be clean

As someone who’s job is to handle chemicals like this, I need to state that this information is IMPORTANT. Plenty of people have accidentally injured or killed themselves at home because they didn’t know what kind of reaction certain substances have with one another. Play it safe and don’t mix chemicals.

Also don’t use bleach to clean up urine it’ll create chloramine bc of the ammonia in it and you can give yourself chemical pnemonia that way

Every time I see “helpful” posts telling people to mix these things while cleaning I cringe with my entire body.

So tldr dont mix bleach with any other than water I guess

Look at all the things that you can use to poison fictional people.


At our first aid training, our instructor told us he was also a safety hazard inspector who would go around to various building sites, businesses, etc, to make sure people weren’t doing anything stupid and also to report anything that needed to be amended or fixed.

He walked into a hardware store and they had a huge sale on bleach, so naturally, they had hundreds of litres of the stuff in bigass jugs stacked neatly at the front where you walked in.

Because one cleaning chemical was on special, they also had another on special too, because why not.

It just happened to be a bigass stack of ammonia.

He kind of looked at it and laughed out loud. “Nice joke guys, wow, guess you were waiting for me today,” he says.

They had no idea what he was on about. So he indicates the two big stacks sitting next to each other. Still no penny drop.

So he has to look each of the section chiefs and the manager dead in the eyes and explain to them they’re basically sitting on a mustard gas bomb waiting to go off.

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