
The Grape™

So, I freakin love Robbie. I think of him as the Bean Ego, but that’s just my interpretation. Plus, we don’t have a super cute, unproblematic ego just yet, so I’m filling that void with my image of Robbie. He’s a cutie

I seriously think that’s my favorite part of the community, though. We’ve turned a simple thumbnail into a non-canon character. Robbie isn’t the first one to have this happen to, either. Chase went through the same thing, and now he’s a completely canon (and possibly dead) character! It’s so cool!!

You can also buy this as a sticker, shirt, and other stuff here!

Please give credit if you post this on other websites!



Jack and Sam as slimes!

I love slime rancher, and I’ve loved watching Jack (and Mark) get back into the game. :3 I’m in the process of rendering a whole batch of Tabby Largo Slimes, and took a brief pause to make this 😀 Hope you enjoy~



@markiplier asked to be drawn like a french girl, so I complied. You also can’t convince me his shirt wasn’t covered in Dickbutts

Video here (x)

In all serious though, Markiplier is hosting another charity. I don’t have money to donate this time around, but maybe you do. Sharing helps spread the word

Charity Merch ►
Donate Here ►…
Joyful Heart Foundation ►
Volunteer Here ►…